Click here to visit the place where you download the loader!This .exe downloads the sound files for GUI and downloads the latest version of the hack (so if you're crashing, simply tell me wait for an update) and then injects it into your garry's mod.Instructions:0. Place the .exe somewhere, don't just run it from your downloads folder!
1. Run the loader
2. Start the game
3. Press insert to activate the hack
4. Press delete to turn on and turn off the menu
Bypasses CAC.There are still some bugs and I am aware of most of them, post bug reports in this thread, just be sure to include steps for me to reproduce the bug (so i know what you're experiencing)!
this is the best GMod hack you can ever use (CitizenTrash cannot recover)
This is CAC Undetected forever, impossible to detect because it's a C++ hack, not lua
Features:Perfect Aimbot
Perfect ESP
Spectator List
Steam Screenshot Proof (Undetected)
800+ features
Bypass not required because it's a C++ hack