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Topics - oni0n_7

Pages: 1
Garrys Mod / Gamemodes?
« on: May 28, 2018, 01:26:42 PM »
Does this hack work in all gamemodes in Garry's Mod? Bc while im sure it works in sandbox and stuff, maybe it doesn't work in smaller, less known gamemodes?

Garrys Mod / Gmod is best game?
« on: May 28, 2018, 01:24:39 PM »
I saw in the list of games that this hack works on, Gmod is the highest up. I'm taking that the hack works the best in gmod??? Would hope so bc i mainly play gmod and have good application for the hack.

Garrys Mod / Anti-Cheat Systems
« on: May 27, 2018, 04:26:03 PM »
Does anyone know if anti-cheat systems will generally block this hack? I play on a favorite server and don't want to risk getting permabanned. There are many aimbotters on the server but some also get blocked and banned so idk. Insight would help.  :)

Garrys Mod / Post ideas
« on: May 27, 2018, 04:20:25 PM »
I would post helpful stuff if you know any. You know tips and tricks n shit. If you can't do that then i would make other stuff like meme related stuff. Also helping out other people's (easier) requests is quick. It is kinda hard to find shit to post about though, especially 10 times.

Garrys Mod / Racial Stereotypes as "be like: *__ noises*" memes.
« on: May 26, 2018, 08:42:52 PM »
You're welcome.
1. White niggas be like *colonization noises*
2. Black niggas be like *oppressed noises*
3. Mexican niggas be like *sneaky noises*
4. Asian niggas be like *smart but pretty sad noises*
5. Swiss niggas be like *knife noises*

Garrys Mod / Insults I have learned from Gmod
« on: May 26, 2018, 08:36:42 PM »
This list starts from the best to worst:
1. Buttmunch (My personal favorite)
2. Poo-poo head
3. Skeeny weenie.
4. Mustard dick.
7. Ima eat yo bootyhole
8. (or the alt.) "I'm gonna fuck you in the ass!"
9. Niglet
10. Tietkop (translates to "nipple head").

Garrys Mod / Bullying
« on: May 26, 2018, 08:15:20 PM »
Bullying is important for Gmod to be fun. To all of you bullies, you make the game a better place.  :) (Its really fun when targeting only specific infants using their mom's computers lol.

If you are playing in a Garry's Mod server that has the addon "precision tool", you can apply the tool to a prop (i use a chair) and get in quick to fall through the map and reach the skybox. First, click on the precision tool. Then, click "< General Tool Options >". Three checkboxes will appear. Click 3. Experimental. After that, deselect everything besides "Only collide with player" in the checkboxes above "< General Tool Options >." So all you have to do now is apply the tool to a chair and get in quickly to fall through the map. Good luck! :)

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