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Messages - robloxmaniac123

Pages: 1
General Chat / Black Ops 3 Cheat?
« on: July 22, 2023, 06:08:57 PM »
Just wondering if a BO3 cheat would ever be a thing given how popular it still is & the anti-cheat not being updated. Zombies is still incredibly fun and would love to use something on there & multiplayer. Only asking because I noticed there's already an MW3 cheat. Keep up the good work

DEVOUR / Re: DEVOUR Hack Features and Cheat Info
« on: July 17, 2023, 04:11:00 PM »
Amazing ESP cheat that's for sure. On the slaughterhouse map there are little collectables to get (https://gyazo.com/e8066e00a0963e1eab766791e88ecf98) I'm wondering if they're a part of the cheat but I can't see it, or if it's possible to get added. Thanks!

Some improvements that could be made after playing the game with the cheat:

1. Some keys aren't highlighted on the ESP on some maps e.g. Cage Key on Slaughterhouse
2. Demons aren't highlighted on ESP e.g. Demon Boars on Slaughterhouse
3. Other players are highlighted as "goats" on the ESP
4. Collectibles aren't highlighted on the ESP, I saw roses as an option so maybe Farmhouse is the only map for them
5. There is a medkit option on the ESP but it's broken (at least for Slaughterhouse they aren't highlighted when enabled)

There might be some more stuff I've forgot but those little things could make this cheat almost perfect. Keep up the great work!

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