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Messages - KittoniuM

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Fallout New Vegas / Re: Fallout New Vegas Error
« on: May 29, 2023, 01:39:03 AM »
hi so i tried to use fallout new vegas and i got this:---------------------------
3516\74\-333925064 - press CTRL+C and Post on Forum
error 333, 52D0CCCF

could you guys fix/help me thanks:D

disable your antivirus, looks like its deleting the hack.

Fallout 4 / Re: Fallout 4 Aimbot error
« on: May 29, 2023, 01:38:12 AM »
The aimbot keep aiming at the foot of the target pls fix D:

what target?
post screenshots of the entity names. and where to find them.

Fallout 4 / Re: Aimbot Error
« on: May 24, 2023, 10:19:15 PM »
Fallout 4 aimbot keeps aiming at the foot of robots and Raiders,codsworth from sanctuary and Raiders at the concordo

Thanks for the report.
I'll look into this

UPDATE: Updated. let me know if anything else is missing head

Suggestions / Re: Make Visual Customasation Window drggable
« on: May 23, 2023, 02:16:31 AM »
Thank you for the suggestion. I will look into making this possible

Closed Suggestions / Re: aim other bone if low health target
« on: May 21, 2023, 02:12:19 PM »
If current target is under a certain hp%, make the aimbot aim at different bone so it isnt always a headshot. I believe this would help you seem more legit

Added to Aimbot Extras

Suggestions / Re: Gmod aimbot breaks on zombie survival
« on: May 21, 2023, 01:14:11 PM »
Thanks for the report. I'll check it out.

Closed Suggestions / Re: [request] FlowHooks Theme
« on: May 20, 2023, 11:07:20 PM »
lol that looks really similar to ours/GameAnarchy


General Chat / Re: Hack not injecting
« on: May 18, 2023, 12:44:19 PM »
3516\74\-152646493 - press CTRL+C and Post on Forum
error 45 87 (0x57 0)
thats happends while i inject the combat arms the classic cheats, i made the bat file allready

did you run using the bat?

Garrys Mod / Re: Bugs and suggestions
« on: May 13, 2023, 06:13:16 PM »
Thank you for the report. I'll try to get most of these fixed soon.

Red = works as intended or denied
Lime green = fixed, await new update

News / May 2023
« on: May 01, 2023, 12:18:37 PM »
May 2023

May 29

May 25
Gmod VIP - Updated
- hotfix to fix crash on HL2RP with Usergroup ESP

Fallout 4 - Updated
- scaling

May 23
Fallout 4 - Updating
- 2022->2023
- fix head position failure on scorpions and some others
- add noclip

May 22
Gmod - Updated
- new arrow menu test

May 20
Killing Floor 2 - Updated
- Name ESP
- Aim at center
- rapid fire & unlimited ammo

May 13
Garry's Mod (ALL) - Updated
Try out the new ESP themes.
For interwebz you need font "Visitor TT2 -BRK-"

May 13
Garry's Mod VIP - Updated (TEST)
released this one early...   let me know of any bugs,  i will be back soon
- UserGroup esp
-  job color esp colors
- RARE heavensgate gui theme
- noclip/water check for AA, Bhop, Strafebot
- ignore noclippers
- button/camera esp fixed

May 14
Garry's Mod (ALL) - UPDATING
Many suggestions posted on the forum were added, and a number of bugs was fixed.

May 6
- sync game time to PC time
- change time
- change weather
- edit money

May 1
7 Days 2 Die - OUTDATED
7D2D reported as not working, cost lowered, use at your own risk

Garrys Mod / Re: Buying Credits RAHH
« on: April 19, 2023, 10:48:05 PM »
I got 20$ but theres no option for that :P what would yall recommended me wait more and try to get 5$ more which im trying to hopefully! or ask staff either way buying me the VIP Cheese

you can do $20.. follow the paypal guide

Closed Suggestions / Re: L4D2 Crashing
« on: April 06, 2023, 05:09:24 PM »
Thank you for the report,
this has been fixed today.

News / April 2023
« on: April 02, 2023, 04:05:05 AM »

April 2023

April 19
Killing Floor 2 - Updated
- mouse 4 and mouse 5 support
- all changes from 2022 to 2023 BP framework

Garry's Mod (All) - Updated
- new themes in Presets

Server - Updating
- VIP rank now expires after the game is over
- DLL Sharing is now forbidden

April 16
Media Board deleted
Post videos in the game's board

2017 HeavensGate Theme Restored!
To use it, go here and change it to responsive_curve:
BP veterans will remember that this was the first  BP theme, later copied GameAnarchy's IceCube theme

April 10
Garrys Mod - Updated
- multicore support testing (Visuals->Customization and turn off Singlecore)
- antiaim shooting & spawn menu fixed
- added gui background
- added gradient filled box

April 6
Left 4 Dead 2 - Updated
- fix crash when switching weapons

Garry's Mod (ALL) - Updated
- crash from latest update

Left 4 Dead 2 - UPDATED
- engine pred fix
- no vis recoil
- ghost mode
- fov hack

Garry's Mod (ALL) - Updated
- crashing fixed with Bullet tracers

Garry's Mod (ALL) - Updated
Garry's Mod (ALL), Team Fortress 2, Counter Strike Source - UPDATING
- antiaim/strafebot movement bug fixed
- added Light Up ESP
- fixed kill sound
- added new killsound option
- added some new presets
- GMOD: gRust support
- GMOD: Show all ent crash fix
- GMOD: jailbreak fist removed from weapon esp

April 3
Counter Strike Source - Updated
- hitbox head has been fixed

April 2
Team Fortress 2 - Updated
- thirdperson has been fixed

April 1
Garry's Mod (ALL), Team Fortress 2 - UPDATING
Counter Strike Source - Updated

Upcoming Updates (ALL Source GAMES):
- RoyalHack ESP Theme
- Hitbox ESP
- FPSCheats ESP Theme
- BigPackets HE4 ESP Theme
- added hostage esp
- added grenades, flashbang, smoke esp

Garrys Mod / Re: GMod VIP Hack Features and Cheat Info
« on: March 31, 2023, 06:30:36 PM »
Hey everything is good on this cheat but I would like to add some suggestions:
1. A way to blacklist items in the weapon esp based off of current players inventory items
2. Discord anti-screenshare
3. quick swap keybind

1. like filter all the weapons that your player has?

2. not really possible, you can Share Screen instead of streaming the game and it will show

3. quick swap weapons? or configs?

General Chat / Re: gmod
« on: March 31, 2023, 01:22:50 PM »
I was wondering how the gmod hack is nowadays? i used to use it almost daily back in 2017-18 i never actually had to go on the site tho or new it existed it was just sent me in a rar file by a friend lmao never got detected only ever got banned for just being obvious however ive not used it in a good few years and just wondering how it is especially the premium one like is it worth it?

all of the major issues that were in 2017-2018 were fixed: low fps, bad menu design, bad design
so the hack is pretty much perfect compared to what it was until 2023

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