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Messages - KittoniuM

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Reversing / ClientModeShared Signatures For Source Engine Games
« on: August 21, 2018, 01:47:00 PM »
here are the clientmode signatures that i'm using
you can use this for hooking createmove

WARNING: Clientmode is not used in L4D/L4D1 L4D2 Portal2

Code: [Select]
static DWORD s_ClientModeCsgo = FindSignature("client.dll", "A1 ? ? ? ? 8B 80 ? ? ? ? 5D");
if (s_ClientModeCsgo)
s_ClientMode = *(DWORD**)(s_ClientModeCsgo + 1);

if (!IsValidPointer(s_ClientMode))
static DWORD s_ClientModeSignature = FindSignature("client.dll", "8B 0D ? ? ? ? D9 45 0C 53 51");
if (s_ClientModeSignature)
s_ClientMode = **(DWORD***)(s_ClientModeSignature + 2);

if (!IsValidPointer(s_ClientMode))
static DWORD VguiScreensMode = FindSignatureInside("client.dll", "A3 ? ? ? ? E8 ? ? ? ? 8B 10 8B C8 8B 02 68 ? ? ? ? FF D0 5E 83 C4 20");
if (VguiScreensMode)
s_ClientMode = *(DWORD**)(VguiScreensMode + 1);

if (!IsValidPointer(s_ClientMode))
static DWORD ClientmodeFunc = FindSignatureInside("client.dll", "E8 ? ? ? ? 8B F8 85 FF 74 14 8B 37 81 C6 ? ? ? ? E8 ? ? ? ?");
if (ClientmodeFunc)
static DWORD CallAddr = ExtractCallAddress(ClientmodeFunc);
DbgLog(L"CreateMove function is 0x%X\n", CallAddr);
s_ClientMode = reinterpret_cast<DWORD*(*)()>(CallAddr)();

Reversing / Left 4 Dead 1 ClientMode CreateMove
« on: August 21, 2018, 01:40:02 PM »
IN SHORT: clientmode is not initialized in L4D1 and L4D2 game, hook CHlClient::CreateMove or SetViewAngles instead (get CUserCmd from ESI ptr)

after a few hrs of reversing clientmode and crap, index 24,25 (truly createmove),26,27 kept crashing in some weird string init function
while the right override view (index 19) did not even get called.

i asked Kelse and he said that it was not initialized.
he even made a forum post in 2015 about it on UC.

sucks because i spent like 4 horus trying to figure out why it didnt work :\

here is the vtable

idx 25 (createmove in l4d  gaemz)


BigPackets.com's Fallout new vegas hack, flying around and owning everybody in the map, no discrimination!

The best fallout: new vegas hack ever made, visibiltiy check in this video is still in Beta so it's not as accurate as the one in our source engine hax.

Aimbot Features
    Aim On Key
    Smooth Aimbot/AimStep
    Jitter Aimbot
    Auto Shoot/Auto Fire
    No Spread
    No Recoil
   Rapid Fire
    Target Lock
    Off After Kill
    Restore Angles
    Vertical Aiming
    Lead Prediction/Projectile Prediction/Projectile Aimbot
Ignore Legion, NCR and other faction npcs
Ignore friendly animals
Visual Features:
    ESP for Enemy Players, Friendly Players, Enemy NPCs, Friendly NPCs, Enemy Projectiles, Friendly Projectiles
Draw Health Text ESP
Draw Skeleton ESP (Bone ESP)
Draw Bone Marks ESP
Draw Distance Text ESP
Draw Nametags ESP
Draw Path Line ESP
Draw Healthbar ESP (Horizontal and Vertical Healthbars)
Draw Line ESP (Top, Center, Bottom)
Draw Box ESP (2D Box ESP and 3D Box ESP)
Customizable Text Color, Bone Color, Front (Visible) color, Back (Invisible) color
Radar ESP

News / August 2018
« on: August 04, 2018, 12:52:59 PM »
August 2018
August 25:
Client - Updated
Freezing issue somewhat fixed, it was caused  by slow bigpackets download speeds.
I am rewarding the videos in Media board today!!

August 19:
Left 4 Dead 1 - Updated (NO-SPREAD ADDED)
That's right, no-spread has been added! (Credits: Kelse)

August 19:
Killing Floor 1 ESP (FREE) - Available

Killing floor 1 esp is now available for free in the 32bit loader! use it now, won't be public when i add aimbot and add some more features :)

August 16:
Half-Life 2 Deathmatch - Updated
Garry's Mod VIP - Available
I will reward Media posts very soon, thank you all for submitting :)

August 13:
Garry's Mod Public + Garry's Mod Public Light - Updated
* FIX: Spectator features including: Sound on Spectated, Aimbot OFF on Spectated
* FIX: ESP Text being white for no reason

August 11:
Removed 10 post check for our Garry's Mod Hacks - enjoy while the hax last :)

August 10:
Loader - Updated
64-bit Loader - Added

August 8:
Garry's Mod Public + Garry's Mod Public Light - Updated
- Stacked ESP removed (FOR NOW) because it needs to be improved
- NanoCat's NanoHack 3 white dot crosshair is now the default for bp
- Tahoma is now the default font for gui (instead of Arial)
- Aimbot bit more accurate
- Tetris and snake windows are disabled by default
- FIX: IsAdmin check and added IsSuperAdmin along with it
- FIX: Input box window has been fixed after first one opened
- FIX: Colorbuttons have been fixed
- FIX: Some lag issues

August 5:
Garry's Mod Public - Updated
* Should be working better now

August 4:
Garry's Mod Public + Garry's Mod Public Light - Attempting Update
* Game updated and broke the hack today, working to fix it

Battlefield 2 / BF2 VIP Hack Feaures and Cheat Info
« on: July 11, 2018, 01:30:07 AM »

The hack works on every server and every gamemode.
BF2Hub Supported!
No bypass is required.

Anti-Cheat Support (The hack is undetectable on these)
PunkBuster Anti-Cheat - PB Undetected
BF2Hub Anti-Cheat - BF2Hub Undetected

List of Features
  • ESP Features
  • Player Soldier ESP (Nametag, healthbar, skeleton, lines, boxes, 2d minimap radar)
  • Player Soldiers Chams
  • Weapons Chams
  • Vehicle Chams
  • No Hands
  • No Fog and Colorized Fog
  • No Sky
  • GUI Features
  • Clock
  • Crosshair/Xhair
  • Xhair color
  • Menu and Master keys
  • Config System

More features are being added every update.

This list may be missing some features, as the hack is Always being updated. Some features may be removed without notice.

Battlefield 1 / BF1 VIP Hack and Cheat Info
« on: July 11, 2018, 01:22:14 AM »

The hack works on every server and every gamemode.
No bypass is required.

Anti-Cheat Support (The hack is undetectable on these)
EAAntiCheat (NEW) - NOT SUPPORTED (awaiting loader update)
Fairfight Anti Cheat - FF Undetected (but if you play blatanty, you will be banned!)

List of Features (Minor ones hidden)
  • Visuals/ESP Features
    • ESP for Players
    • Draw Health Text ESP
    • Draw Skeleton ESP (Bone ESP)
    • Draw Bone Marks ESP
    • Draw Distance Text ESP
    • Draw Nametags ESP
    • Draw Path Line ESP
    • Draw Healthbar ESP (Horizontal and Vertical Healthbars)
    • Draw Line ESP (Top, Center, Bottom)
    • Draw Box ESP (2D Box ESP and 3D Box ESP)
    • Customizable Text Color, Bone Color, Front (Visible) color, Back (Invisible) color
    • Radar ESP
    • ESP Distance Limit + Draw on Radar
    • Aimbot Target Only ESP Settings
    • Draw Ammo Pickups ESP
    • Draw Weapons ESP
  • GUI Features
    • Clock
    • Shoutbox
    • Snake
    • Tetris
    • Color Picker
    • Font Picker
    • 2D Radar ESP
    • Aimbot Target Information
    • Local Healthbar
    • Crosshair Picker
    • Laptop Battery Healthbar
    • Wifi Signal Strength Healthbar
    • Message of the Day Window
  • More Features
    • Custom Save/Load Config System
    • Master Key - toggle everything (Default: Insert)
    • Menu Key (Default: Delete)
    • Unload and Unload Key

WARNING: This list may be missing some features, as the hack is Always being updated. Some features may be removed without notice.

Current Bugs:
Make sure to use DX11 in video settings, DX12 is not supported.
- ESP sometimes wont be drawn on players inside vehicles or turrets
- Autoloading hack at game startup may mess up resolution, try loading hack once ingame

Subscribe to these channels - or you might crash!

After subscribing, download the Loader:
Download the loader, run 64bit loader and choose BF1

If your antivirus is deleting the loader, add the files to exclusions or uninstall the antivirus!!

News / July 2018
« on: July 05, 2018, 01:00:21 AM »
July 2018
July 26:
Garry's Mod Public + Public Light - Updated
* Fancy text option removed and enabled by default
* Fancy text will only affects ESP
* Global ESP settings removed
* sv_cheats 1 force button
* sv_allowcslua 1 force button
* ESP names for weapons are now perfect (Credits: UnstucK)
* Lead prediction lines are drawn now when using draw aimbot points
* All sweps are now picked up by the ESP
* ESP not picking some models up now does
working on FPS lag issue now.

July 26:
Forum - Updated
* Everybody has been Unbanned from the forums and our products!
* Accidentally banned Berkayys2004, sorry!

July 25:
Loader - Released
BpJuly5 Loader - Removed
* Goodbye BpJuly5, you helped our members hack the game for 1 year and 20 days!

July 24:
Garry's Mod Public - Updated
* Added crossbow aimbot prediction
* Added beta m9k specialities aimbot prediction

July 22:
Garry's Mod Public - Updated
* Cryllic letters not being displayed properly -- FIXED

July 18:
Garry's Mod Public - Updated
* Anti-Screengrab has been improved!
* Anti-Screengrab is now enabled on default
* Anti-Screengrab is now stable

July 16:
Codename CURE VIP - Added

Day of Defeat Source VIP - Updated
Team Fortress 2 VIP - Updated
Counter-Strike: Source VIP - Updated
Forum - Updated
* Sorted the boards and removed some spam
* Started using DrUnKeN ChEeTaH's monthly news layout
* Media posts have been rewarded their free credits, last call for videos??!

July 15:
Garry's Mod Public - Updated
* Login window serverside is now working
* Fixed WiFi window not showing the network name
* Fixed battery window saying discharging when its plugged in and NOT charging
* Fixed Bonescan feature showing as "Single Bone" and having wrong tooltip
* Bonescan now has a smart system targetting only the best parts of body first

July 12:
VIP/Public Loader - In Progress

July 11:
VIP/Public Loader - In Progress

July 10:
Foum - Updated
* A lot of spam threads removed, almost started deleting the accounts that participated in them too.

July 5:
Forum - Updated
Learning how to use PHP/CSS more efficiently
* BP homepage show news, still working on it ;)
* BigPackets discord shut down, another one might go up later.
* Working on new loader that includes two versions of GMod hack, and possibility of relesing paid hacks soon :)

News / June 2018
« on: June 03, 2018, 08:58:44 PM »
June 2018 Updates

June 22
Need a faster windows? Try this custom ISO

June 20
Garry's Mod Public - Updated
- Fixed 2d box esp looking bad on pickups, now it rotates
- Added Ignore Spawn Protected Players
- Fixed Accuracy (No Spread)
and got stolen money from paypal back :)

June 10
Counter-Strike: Source VIP - Updated
- Added engine prediction
- Added no recoil

Garry's Mod Public - Updated
- Cleaned menu
- Radar stuff added back in menu
- Should be a little bit more stable

Current Bugs: sometimes while aiming your screen might go black (trying to figure out whats causing this)

June 3
Garry's Mod Public - Updated
- Aimbot Prediction has been fixed and enabled by default
- Darkrp job name esp added
- Darkrp job color square esp added
- Ignore admins added (UNTESTED)

News / May 2018
« on: May 25, 2018, 03:12:18 AM »
May 2018 Updates
May 25
Job names, rectangle with job color are getting added in the next bp gmod update

Reversing / Extract address of CALL instruction
« on: May 01, 2018, 10:43:47 PM »
Heres a nice function Syn showed when I was trying to figure out how to find the CALL address when your signature scan lands on a CALL XXXX

uintptr_t get_absolute_address(void* instruction, uint8_t skip = 1, uint8_t size = 5)
   unsigned char *memory = (unsigned char *)(instruction);
   int relative = *(int *)(memory + skip);
   uintptr_t absolute = relative + (uintptr_t)(instruction)+size;
   return absolute;

News / April 2018
« on: April 07, 2018, 10:22:32 PM »
April 2018

April 30:
CatalystHax key menu CLONED by BigPackets!!
Original CatalystHax 2010 Menu:

New BigPackets Clone:

(the tooltip is drawn under the menu!
Have no use for it yet, may add it to the official BP menu as a style or something :)

April 7:
Gmod Public Hack Updated

April 2:
Combat Arms Hack Started

Fallout New Vegas / [Reversing] Weapon Projectile Range
« on: March 09, 2018, 07:32:33 PM »
This is called everytime you shoot a gun (or create a projectile?)

009A7C44 - 89 4D FC  - mov [ebp-04],ecx
009A7C47 - 8B 45 FC  - mov eax,[ebp-04]
009A7C4A - D9 40 6C  - fld dword ptr [eax+6C] <<
009A7C4D - 8B E5  - mov esp,ebp
009A7C4F - 5D - pop ebp


Fallout New Vegas / [Reversing] Speed of Weapon Projectile
« on: March 09, 2018, 07:31:55 PM »
Called every tick/frame that a projectile is travelling

0069EF84 - 89 4D FC  - mov [ebp-04],ecx
0069EF87 - 8B 45 FC  - mov eax,[ebp-04]
0069EF8A - D9 40 68  - fld dword ptr [eax+68] <<
0069EF8D - 8B E5  - mov esp,ebp
0069EF8F - 5D - pop ebp


Fallout New Vegas / [Reversing] Accesses weapon spread value
« on: March 09, 2018, 07:24:38 PM »
00524C20 - EB 09 - jmp FalloutNV.exe+124C2B
00524C22 - 8B 55 FC  - mov edx,[ebp-04]
00524C25 - D9 82 08010000  - fld dword ptr [edx+00000108] <<
00524C2B - 8B E5  - mov esp,ebp
00524C2D - 5D - pop ebp


News / March 2018
« on: March 02, 2018, 04:41:38 PM »
March 2018

March 19:
Coded a shoutbox my self :D you will be able to talk to other BP users from the gui (it uses forum login and forum colors)
it will be added in the next update :)

March 11:
Gmod Public Hack Updated
- Fixed the Maximum ESP FOV and Maximum ESP Distance filter

March 3:
Garry's Mod Hack Updated (CreateMove tab and No Spread has been added back)

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