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Messages - KittoniuM

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News / July 2017
« on: July 01, 2017, 12:49:13 AM »
July 2017
* New Gui Theme!

July 27:
GameAnarchy.net is closing  :'(

July 21:
BigPacket Event!! 32 people joined the BP DarKRP server at!!! Favorite it guys we're planning to make it a good darkrp server

BigPacket Event!! Record and upload videos of you using BigPackets (BigPackets must be in the name, and video must have good tags for views) and submit it to the Media forum, people who do videos this week will get rewarded later on!

July 15:
GMod Pub Updated, material, sound, fov hacks have been added, enjoy! redownload the DLL or restart loader if you're using it

July 11:
GMod Pub Updated, redownload the DLL/Loader

July 10:
GMod Pub Updated, redownload the DLL/Loader

July 8:
No Spread!!! and Working PERFECT SILENT AIM added to the GMod Public Hack!! GET IT NOW
Third EP of Packet Box

July 7:
Second EP of Packet Box

July 6:
First episode of Packet Box, a noob version of Idiot Box by BigPackets members :D

July 5:
New loader came out in the discord that checks version

July 1:
Portal 1 Started

News / June 2017
« on: June 03, 2017, 01:38:25 AM »
June 2017
June 24:
We have detected a gypsy attack by a previous staff member Fog and have concluded that he has leaked the database password and might have the database of the forum, even though members' passwords are hashed, we advise users to change their passwords on the forum.

No More Room In Hell Hack Started

June 22:
Black Mesa Source Hack Started

June 16:
New Framework Features and some bugfixes are now out

June 12:
Counter Strike Global Offensive Hack Started

June 11:
New Radar Features added to Framework! Customize the size of players, pickups, npc and projectiles in the radar!!!

June 10:
Day of Defeat Source Hack Started

June 8:
Left 4 Dead 1 Hack Started

June 3:
Half Life 2 Deathmatch and Synergy Hack Started

Garrys Mod / Garry's Mod Public Hack - Version 1333
« on: April 16, 2017, 07:18:14 PM »
Click here to visit  the place where you download the loader!
This .exe downloads the sound files for GUI and downloads the latest version of the hack (so if you're crashing, simply tell me wait for an update) and then injects it into your garry's mod.

0. Place the .exe somewhere, don't just run it from your downloads folder!
1. Run the loader
2. Start the game
3. Press insert to activate the hack
4. Press delete to turn on and turn off the menu
Bypasses CAC.

There are still some bugs and I am aware of most of them, post bug reports in this thread, just be sure to include steps for me to reproduce the bug (so i know what you're experiencing)!

this is the best GMod hack you can ever use (CitizenTrash cannot recover)
This is CAC Undetected forever, impossible to detect because it's a C++ hack, not lua

Perfect Aimbot
Perfect ESP
Spectator List
Steam Screenshot Proof (Undetected)
800+ features

Bypass not required because it's a C++ hack

News / April 2017
« on: April 01, 2017, 02:40:07 PM »
It has been reported that CitizenHack.me and GmodCheats.com, a older cheat provider for Garry's Mod, has been reported as malware, avoid this provider! Only use their hacks in a Virtual Machine[/b]

April 2017
April 16:
GMod Hack Updated (version 1333)
-Friendlist Added
-Shitlist Added
-Target Lock Added
-Target Lock Only When Aiming Added
-Off After Kill Added

April 2:

TF2 Hack Development Started

April 1:
GMod Public Updated

News / March 2017
« on: March 02, 2017, 02:49:58 AM »
March 2017
March 31:
A Tragedy Has Befallen All Cat
Today a BigPackets admin suffered a gypsy attack and very disrespectful "CSGO HVH" man did large amount of rude by stealing my /id/cat: The gypsies: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198201279662 and http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198354435404

March 26:
Public Hack released on MPGH
GMod Public Updated

March 11:
Public Loader Updated

March 2:
Garry's Mod Hack and Public Loader Updated
- Added material features, change sky color, no hands, chams, etc
- Trying to fix multicore rendering crashing
Download Here!

Garrys Mod / Garry's Mod Public Hack - Version 1094
« on: February 23, 2017, 09:04:36 PM »
March 2: Updated the DLL and Loader, people who are using old loader without problems can continue using it
This .exe downloads the sound files for GUI and downloads the latest version of the hack (so if you're crashing, simply tell me wait for an update) and then injects it into your garry's mod.

0. Place the .exe somewhere, don't just run it from your downloads folder!
1. Run the loader
2. Start the game
3. Press insert to activate the hack
4. Press delete to turn on and turn off the menu
Bypasses CAC.

Same features as last time except added a spectator list

March 2: Added materials tab

There are still some bugs and I am aware of most of them, post bug reports in this thread, just be sure to include steps for me to reproduce the bug (so i know what you're experiencing)!

Garrys Mod / Garry's Mod Public Hack - Version 1024
« on: February 16, 2017, 10:42:39 PM »
This .exe downloads the sound files for GUI and downloads the latest version of the hack (so if you're crashing, simply tell me wait for an update) and then injects it into your garry's mod.

0. Place the .exe somewhere, don't just run it from your downloads folder!
1. Run the loader
2. Start the game
3. Press insert to activate the hack
4. Press delete to turn on and turn off the menu

 i decided to fix most bugs and write a standalone loader for the hack.

also managed to make the file size tiny by using compiler tricks. you still need space for the sounds

C++ Internal hack using my framework.
CAC Undetected.

Current Bugs:
- on some servers ESP is bugged (happens because of 3d playermodel huds, you can fix the ESP by disabling the huds)
- FOV targetting doesnt work
- rarely crashes

Has GUI sounds, over 600+ features to customize stuff

Has printer ESP, spawned money shipments, everything.


Garrys Mod / Garry's Mod Public Hack - Version 964
« on: February 06, 2017, 04:53:28 PM »
0. Extract ALL the files to a empty folder
1. Start the ExtremeInjector.exe (OR use your own!)
2. Start the game
3. Press insert to enable the hack
4. Press delete for menu

If you can't use the Insert/Delete key combo, here is a fix:
1. make a file named "Settings.ini" inside same folder as the DLL
2. Paste in the contents:
Code: [Select]
3. You can now use F10 to turn on the hack and F11 for the menu.

Public version does not have CAC bypass, therefore do not use Bunny Hop, Ghost Aim, Low Autoshoot delay, or Aim Bot without large smoothing.

If you need more FPS, turn off the outlines!

If you crash, comment in this thread. It will get fixed soon.

Check out other thread (newer version) for download.

News / Feburary 2017
« on: February 03, 2017, 02:10:04 PM »
Feburary 2017
Feburary 23:
Garry's Mod Hack and Public Loader Updated
Download Here!

Feburary 20:
bigpackets.com is down! It will be up hopefully this week, use this as a backup site.

Feburary 15:
Garry's Mod Hack Updated
Download Here!

Feburary 15:
Battlefield 1 Hack Updated

Feburary 12:
We have new hosting and SSL!
I am currently updating the Garry's Mod hack and fixing the crashes!

- GMod: Added "Auto Propkill", allows you to hit one button to send props flying at max speed with your physgun, key is adjustable
- Source Engine: Added "Show Player Weapon"
- Source Engine: Added "Rage Duck"
- Source Engine: Added "Lightup Entities"
- Source Engine: Added "DLight Entities"
- Source Engine: Added "Auto Strafer"
- Source Engine: Added "Lock Menu View"
- Source Engine: Added "Ghost Mode"
- Source Engine: Added "Flashlight SPam"
- Source Engine: Added "+use Spam"
- Source Engine: Added "Traditional ESP size and position"
- Source Engine: Added "Single player OPK"

Feburary 6:
- Added "Murderer Gamemode ESP", it draws the "MURDERER" when a player is holding a possible murder weapon.
- Added "Weapon ESP", it draws the weapon name that a player is holding.
- Added extra filter tab for Visuals, it allows you to stop drawing things that are not in your specified FOV or distance

Feburary 3:
Garry's Mod public ESP and Aimbot has been posted on MPGH
We will have a public version on here but better (Updated, Undetected, etc) when I finish the loader.

News / January 2017
« on: January 21, 2017, 05:11:34 PM »
January 2017
January 26:
Garry's Mod VIP ESP and Aimbot Finished

Battlefield 1 ESP and Aimbot Finished

New GUI Theme

There is a preset you can use to change back to the Drunken Cheetah style gui!

Garrys Mod / Player Complaints
« on: November 23, 2016, 10:40:54 AM »
Post new thread on this board using this template below.

Find SteamIDs here: http://steamidfinder.com/


Garrys Mod / Staff Applications
« on: November 23, 2016, 10:37:18 AM »
If you want to become staff in the BigPackets RP server, you must add me http://steamcommunity.com/id/kittonium or post on the forum using this format:

Post a new thread using the template below.

Steam Profile:
Available Hours:

Steam Profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/kittonium
Location: Canada
Available Hours: 9AM-5PM
Why: Because I want to help out the server when there are no admins on
Languages: English

News / November 2016
« on: November 21, 2016, 06:11:30 AM »
November 2016
Garry's Mod Server:
We are opening a garry's mod DarkRP server very soon on the official bigpackets roleplay map

Try the bigpackets rp0 map (beta version that isnt on workshop)

*Try out the servers
RP Server:
Phoenix's Build Server:

Our first ban
We already banned 1 from the forum.
Reason: Trolling and admin disrespect

I do not recommand adding him as he is unintelligent and claims to be "very rich and smarter than most people" which is clearly NOT true if he uses "Advanced System Care" and Window 10.

I will be away from 28th to 31th or until notice
If you need to contact an admin find someone who is active[/center]

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